Sunday 7 November 2010

Optimising Images + Storing Image Assests

Optimising Images

Optimising images is when you change an images quality or size to make them fit better purposes. For example optimising an image for a smart phone version f a website, You would reduce the image size and quality for fast download times. Reducing the DPI and colours shown in pictures to reduce the file size even further.When optimising images there are many possible things to change such as: Size of image, quality of image, DPI of an image, file types or the number of the colours in an image. Before optimising an imgage you MUST save your origanal file as you nomaly save them in lossy compression.

Storing image assests and other files

Having good organized files is good when coming to store your files, having clearly labelled folders and sub-folders can help locate your files. when saving the files its good to give extra information in the filename like the DPI or how many coulours are shown.

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