Monday 6 September 2010

My Favourite Box Art!

Gears Of War 2 Box Art!

I love this artwork because I think the colours match the gritty atmosphere of the war between the Locusts and the COG. Also the cover provides a good indication into what the game is going to involve.

The target market for this game is going to be teenagers that enjoy playing 1st and 3rd person shooters .. this game will also appeal to the people that enjoyed the original Gears Of War game as well as they would be able to continue the story of Marcus and Dom.

I think the Box art hits the target market well, especially the people who enjoyed the original game. The games box art also appeals to people who love shooters.

If I had the chance to change anything in the box art I don't think I would because I quite like the way it presents the game as it is.

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