Monday 13 September 2010

Game Textures

Textures are very important, they make the game look how it looks. Without textures the models would just look blank with no colour/texture. After 3D models are created 2D textures are wrapped around to them to make them come to life. There are many different types of textures for example bricks, wood, skin, grassland.

Game Interfaces

Most games use unique interfaces. Interfaces are tailored to a game and are created for a certain games purpose/genre

Interfaces fit the games genre for example if you had a fantasy adventure game, you would not make the interface look science fiction. The games interface will always fit the genre

A great example of an awesome game interface is World Of Warcraft

2D and 3D sprites

2D Sprites

2D sprites are images created using pixels in 2 dimensions

3D Sprites

3D sprites are images created by pixels in 3 dimensions usually they are created in an isometric view to make them look 3D

Concept Art!

While a game is being developed there is a team of people called 'concept artists' . These create simple or detailed pictures to help develop characters/environment. This could range from simple sketches to full detailed images. Developers use images created by the artists to help build up on the ideas and help inspire the developer create some awesome characters or a great looking environment.

Monday 6 September 2010

Game Art Styles!

Photo Realism!

Photo Realism is where a game developer will try and make his/her game look as realistic as possible (like your looking at a photograph). Typical photo realistic games are Crysis, Forza Motor sport 3 and Grand Tourismo 5
 Cel Shading!

Cel shading is where the Developer tries to make the game look almost Hand drawn (with a black line around the edges, and cartoony graphics). Good examples are Super Paper Mario and XIII.

Exaggeration is where the Developer exaggerates features on animations such as the eyes. These games are very familiar with Japanese developers. A good example of an exaggerated game is The Fantasy Franchise.

Abstract games are where the developer tries to make the game seem wonderfully weird!, with weird shapes making creatures and landscapes(clue is in the name 'abstract'). Games like this are Patapon.

2D & 3D games - What are they?

2D stands for 2 dimensional. You can see if a game is 2D as it appears to be flat (has no depth). Games like Pacman, Metal Slug and Super Mario are great examples of 2D games. 2D games were mostly made on the earlier consoles such as the Sega Mega drive.
3D stands for 3 Dimensional, these games include depth so they don't appear flat. These games appear on the later consoles like the PS2-3 and the Xbox because they are more powerful than the Mega drive and other consoles so they could handle having 3D graphics. Great examples of 3D graphics are the Call of Duty franchise and the Halo franchise.

My Favourite Box Art!

Gears Of War 2 Box Art!

I love this artwork because I think the colours match the gritty atmosphere of the war between the Locusts and the COG. Also the cover provides a good indication into what the game is going to involve.

The target market for this game is going to be teenagers that enjoy playing 1st and 3rd person shooters .. this game will also appeal to the people that enjoyed the original Gears Of War game as well as they would be able to continue the story of Marcus and Dom.

I think the Box art hits the target market well, especially the people who enjoyed the original game. The games box art also appeals to people who love shooters.

If I had the chance to change anything in the box art I don't think I would because I quite like the way it presents the game as it is.